Sunday, October 28, 2012

That I knew the magic formula

I used to think
That I knew the magic formula 
for successful marriages/relationships
Love, time together, communicate..

Divorce rates are high
Families whose children have special needs,
their rates are even higher rates!
I've already been a static once.

So as I walked 
through the journey of fostering
with the man I'd known half my life
I thought we could make it.

- got that one covered
Make time for each other
- well, when there was time left..
- yup. I talked, he listened..
And when things weren't working
- head to counselling

But nothing I did or tried could change
his not wanting to be a dad to a kid with autism.
Perhaps it was an excuse to not commit
but the reason he gave still stings.

So 4 yrs after becoming a parent 
I sit here single and look around 
at couples (with kids with ASD) who are together
 and they didn't follow the magic formula!

So what's your secret?
Please share so I can find the right formula!
Or maybe there isn't one...
How each family makes it work IS the magic.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

that i only wrote sad poetry

Almost two decades of 
bright paintings
when I was happy,
sad poetry 
when I was melancholy.
Now, it seems, 
things have changed.
Clinging to 
the new me.
so I share.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

That doing more meant having more

Hard work
work more hours
take on more
work harder
work longer
take on more

That was me.
It meant 
accomplishing more
having more
getting further.

Lately I've worked less
but I have more.
More happiness
more joy
more laughter
more love

I have a boy who
smiles more
we tickle more
we hug more
we enjoy life more.

Now I'm not suggesting
living in a tent on the beach,
(although the thought has crossed my mind)
there are still bills to be paid,
but sometimes doing less
means having more.